Pilot test of the Stabilized Stretcher Support

Pilot testing the stabilized solution:

A pilot test was conducted to investigate the effects and benefits of patient transport using a stabilized stretcher in an ambulance. 27 Test persons participated. All test persons preferred the stabilized ride.

Do you want a copy of the whole test report?

Comments from Test persons:

  • “A stabilized ride is very much better!”
  • “I felt like I was floating”
  • “WOW”
  • “The pressure in the head disappeared”
  • “I cannot feel the curves anymore”

What we found: The Stabilized ride

  • Significantly reduces movement
  • Is relaxing and calming / sleep inducing
  • Is comfortable and pleasant
  • Increases the feeling of safety
  • Reduces carsickness
  • Is energy coserving

Look at the heart rate during the non-stabilized ride starting 13:10 and the heart rate during the stabilized ride starting 26:20. The pulse is lowered during a stabilized ride!

Speed in km/h (blue graph/left numbers), Heartbeats per minute (red line/right numbers).